Saturday, January 14, 2012

Acknowledging Goddess

When I made the leap to start my journey whole heartedly, many amazing women were put into my path. I have spent a lifetime not sharing and truly appreciating other women, and what I have come to realize is that connection to the village, and particularly women of like mind and like heart is necessary to creating a birthing of the new, internally and cosmically.

The language is competition, just a desire as I believe (as Pixie Cambpell's blog states) to midwife, hold up, and support each other in the birthing of the new. Upholding each other on our journey, acknowledging our own Goddess, and the Goddess in each other.

I am as never before reaching out to other women...This is on my mind and heart constantly, That we as women will be integral in birthing in this new era of lightness, and pure Source Energy. Truly an amazing time to be a woman.

So when I came across this statue (not my normal taste) it warmed my heart. It was one of my little thrifting adventures, and I decided that I must create my sacred space, perhaps many, but the first will feature these dancing maidens/goddesses as they revel in their power and femininity and support of each will be my sacred space of "Goddess".

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