Friday, January 10, 2014

Clearing Space, Claiming Space

Finally in a place of clearing space, in my home, heart, and mind for the abundance of experience i want to claim for 2014 and forward. My office became a catch all, it got to a point where it felt like it was moving in on me. Obviously if I plan to run a successful business i need a nurturing space to do it in. A space that is sacred, clear, and special, as well as highly functional for business purposes. It is important to me that each room in my home functions, and each room contains natural elements and sacred spaces. Doing the cathartic work of moving cleaning, planning organizing, but with an eye and plan towards making my office a meditation, healing space as well. I cant wait to share when i am done. My little apothecary corner, my altar, feels so freeing. My home looks like a tornado hit it, with DH and I pulling everything out of its cubby holes, hiding places, and dark corners. When you are stuck in, on dark dreary days, it is the perfect opportunity to purge, and make the hard decisions, to choose to really live and thrive in your space. Will we ever be minimalist, ah No! I like open clean spaces without clutter, but I also loves bits and pieces around me that connect me to mama earth, and just little things that make me sigh with delight. Are you clearing space these days?

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