Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Mountain Lion - Being in the Moment

I have been away from here for a while. Trying to be in the moment(s) as it were. It has been a rewarding healing time. Mending fences, moving forward, honoring, cherishing, and nurturing. I participated in Pixie Campbell (Lighthorse) SOULODGE with Mountain Lion- and what a Solar Queen she was. I have never had a more rewarding, intimate, soul shaking journey. We took 2 journeys with Mountain Lion, and she let me embody her- She met me, knocked me down, face to face, nuzzle me, assured me, she showed me her strength, her wisdom, her cunning, and just being what she was, the Queen. Our journey dealt with boundaries, that has always been a big issue with me, and she taught me a lot. Stop apologizing at every turn for taking up space, stop taking on someone else's issues as my own.... The 2nd journey was just pure hilarity. Pixie told us to ask Mountain Lion what she wanted us to know..I was met with a congo dancing cartoon character, set on making me belly laugh-Message received, stop taking yourself so damn serious, be light, be joyful, belly laugh more.... What lessons are you learning-going into this dark season?????

1 comment:

  1. beautiful journeys indeed! and love the for a lot of us for sure

    the lessons I am learning are the whole of me is just right...that there are things about me that no longer need to be hid away, that is is in my nakedness that I am whole and perfect...
    I have also been learning that by holding on to what no longer serves me does not honour what it once was...that letting go allows room for growth and new life...

    this is my favorite time of year

    love and light
